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Fast Escape is a fiction novel written by Bonnie Vause, Ed. D. The author has also provided links to some of her favorite authors. Feel free to explore and read!

 Fast Escape A Fiction Novel     
Written by:   Bonnie Vause, Ed.D.




Dr. Elizabeth Davenport thought she had it all…married to the love of her life, a great job, and the dream home most would die for. Then one day, her life changes forever when a terrible accident makes it necessary for Elizabeth and her husband, Harrison, to return to her hometown for the first time after three decades.

Elizabeth's plagued nightmares challenge her to face the truth of the mysterious secrets that had haunted her inner soul. With the support of her husband, she faces the demons of her past and learns the answers to the many secrets she had suppressed.

Adjusting to the uncovered skeletons of Shadow Village has the potential to test loyalty, forgiveness, and acceptance. Can Elizabeth and Harrison Davenport's marriage survive once they are pitted against the truth …against each other?




Fast Escape is the receipient of the 2014 Dan Poynter's Ebook Silver Award

Release Date:   2017

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